Step into a world of creative beauty with our Refined Perle Fine for Special Occasions bouquet, a delightful blend of soft whites, pretty pinks, and gentle greens. This bouquet is a perfect choice for any occasion where elegance and charm are desired. Designed by our talented florists, each bouquet is meticulously arranged to highlight the striking contrast and complement of roses, cabbages, alstroemerias, and rich foliage. Whether it's to celebrate a joyous birthday or an intimate dinner gathering, this floral arrangement adds a splash of color and life. Our reliable delivery service throughout France ensures that your thoughtful gift reaches your loved ones in perfect condition. Just imagine the surprise and joy when they receive such a lovely and vibrant piece of art. Let the Colorful Blossom Elegance be the bright spot in someone's day, showing them your love and appreciation in the sweetest way possible. It's more than just flowers; it's a cherished hug sent straight from your heart.
This gift consists of:
• A round bouquet in white, pink and green tones composed of roses, cabbages, alstroemerias, florets and foliage.