Unleash the power of love with this Refreshing 50-Rose Bouquet specially curated to convey your deepest emotions. Ideal for making a romantic statement, each rose in this arrangement is chosen for its intense color, impeccable form, and vitality. Relatively unfolding, these scarlet blooms fill any space with indescribable warmth and elegance. This bouquet draws inspiration from the ancient tale of Cupid's accidental creation—where red roses emerged from white as a sign of deep-seated passion. Surrounded by lush green foliage, these roses provide a striking contrast that enhances their bold hue. Suitable for expressing love on any occasion, they are the epitome of beauty and grace. Surprise your loved one and create cherished memories with this spectacular floral expression. Whether celebrating a milestone or crafting a spontaneous love note, these roses will capture hearts and leave a lasting impression. Deliver your love story beautifully and boldly, with each blossom telling your tale.
This gift consists of:
• Bouquet of 50 red roses