Elevate your gift-giving with a bouquet that pleases all senses. Our Bouquet of 20 Red Roses accompanied by an irresistible selection of chocolates is the epitome of romance. Imagine vibrant red petals, each one a testament to heartfelt emotions, beautifully arranged to create an enchanting floral display. Embedded in the bouquet, fresh green foliage accentuates the bold crimson blooms. Perfect for showing your affection, this bouquet pairs effortlessly with luxurious chocolates. We've curated 10 delightful baskets of Maxim's assorted treats, including cereal pearls and almond bites, each generously enrobed in creamy milk chocolate. It's an indulgence for both the heart and palate. Whether you're celebrating love or offering a sincere gesture, this alluring combination of roses and chocolates conveys your message in the sweetest way. Experience a taste of sophistication with a floral arrangement designed for memorable moments, weaving a narrative of passion and sweetness.
This gift consists of:
• A bouquet composed of 20 red roses accompanied by their foliage and 10 baskets containing various chocolates (cereal pearls and almonds coated in milk chocolate.