Dive into a bouquet that tells a story of vibrant hues and enchanting fragrance, carefully designed by our talented artisan florists. This Sensational Shades: Fireworks Flower Bouquet is a kaleidoscope of colors, featuring rich fuchsia, soothing cream, delicate pale pink, and soft blue tones. Each petal whispers tales of warmth and connection, crafted to resonate with the soul of the flower woman who inspires its creation. Perfect for creating memorable moments, this bouquet is an ideal gift for Grandmother’s Day or any occasion that calls for a meaningful gesture of love. Enclosed within this arrangement are seasonal flowers that harmoniously blend to create a visual symphony. Coordinated with lovely branch roses and radiant pink gerberas, the bouquet is crowned with a verdant foliage collar, offering hints of the great outdoors. Present this exquisite gift to illuminate any space and evoke smiles, encapsulating the power of nature's beauty and the joy of giving in one heartwarming package.
This gift consists of:
• A round bouquet in fuchsia, cream, pale pink and blue tones composed of seasonal flowers, branch roses, and pink gerberas with a foliage collar.